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Swollen gums are a common problem, and can have a number of different causes think of swollen, inflamed gums as an alarm bell.
Healthy gums are firm, flat along your teeth, and a natural color — ranging from light pink to dark purple and usually depending on your skin tone.
On the other hand, if your gums are puffy, look unusually red, or appear to pull away from your teeth.
it’s time to figure out the cause of those swollen gums and, in some cases, talk to your dentist about gum inflammation treatment.
Signs & Symptoms
Gum disease can be painless, so it is important to be aware of any of the following symptoms:
Swollen, red, tender or bleeding gums
Gums that recede or move away from the tooth
Persistent bad breath or bad taste in mouth
Loose teeth
Visible pus surrounding the teeth and gums
Consider Possible Causes
According Indian Dental Association swollen gums defines any condition related to gum disease.
Gingivitis-Gum infection
Swollen gums can originate from number sources, the most common of which are infection from a gum infection
Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease. It happens when plaque build up around your teeth causes an infection in your gums. Usually it affects gums around more than four teeth or all border of gum
In its early stages, swollen gums and gingivitis are usually treated by improving your at-home oral hygiene and getting regular dental cleanings. Ignoring gingivitis leads to more serious periodontal disease and even tooth loss.
Dental Abscess
When left untreated, gingivitis leads to a more serious bacterial infection in the root of your tooth. This sometimes causes an abscess to form. An abscess is a pocket of pus that develops as a result of a severe infection.
A dental abscess is a collection of pus that forms within a tooth or its surrounding structures as a result of a bacterial infection.
There are two types of dental abscess:
Periapical abscesses usually occur due to decay or tooth fractures, and they affect the root of a tooth.
Periodontal abscesses affect the gum ,occur due to pyorea the common sign if pyorea is bad breath and bleeding gum
Just like pimples and mood swings, for some women, changes in hormones during pregnancy, puberty and menstruation also lead to inflamed gums.
During pregnancy, puberty and menstruation an increase in estrogen and progesterone causes more blood to flow to the gums, making them sensitive to irritants
the presence of plaque during times of high estrogen and progesterone. Gums swell, bleed, and become inflamed more easily.
Although swollen gums usually calm down once hormones level become normal it is important to take extra care of your teeth. This sensitivity makes your gums more susceptible to gingivitis; especially pregnancy (you can read here: oral care in pregnancy)
Deficiencies of vitamin C and vitamin B can cause your gums to swell up. These vitamins are essential for the repair and maintenance of the teeth and gums.
If the level of vitamin C is too low for a person, Scurvy develops. Scurvy can cause anemia and worsen the existing gum disease.
Other infections:
Certain infections of the mouth are caused by fungi and viruses. These microbes potentially cause swollen gums. A fungal infection called Thrush can also cause gum swelling.
Home Remedy For Swollen Gums
Lukewarm salt water:
If the swelling is in its initial stage, doing lukewarm salt water gargles can help. Salt water is known to have anti-inflammatory properties thus reduces down inflammation and promotes healing. Perform this 2-3 times a day, until the swelling goes away.
Cold compress:
This remedy is useful for initial 2-3 days after you locate a swelling in your gums. Wrap a bag of crushed ice in a clean cloth and hold it against your face for about 5 minutes. Repeat it 3-4 times in a day. Cold compress is believed to reduce pain and swelling in the gums.
Turmeric gel:
Turmeric is an ancient Indian herb known to possess antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities because of a component called Curcumin. Apply turmeric gel on your gums after brushing your teeth and let it stay for 10 mins. Repeat it 2 times in a day. Do not forget to rinse your mouth with water.
Essential oils:
Peppermint, tea tree, and thyme oil are effective in preventing the growth of disease-causing microorganisms in the mouth. Add few drops of one of these oils to a glass of water and gargle with this solution for about 30 seconds 2 times in a day. This has shown results in bringing down swelling from gums.
Aloe Vera:
Aloe vera mouthwashes are proven to be as effective as the commercially available chlorhexidine mouthwashes. Swish an aloe vera mouthwash two times a day for 10 days to heal puffy gums at home.
Apply clove oil on your gums or chew on a few cloves to reduce gum swelling. Clove has a soothing & healing effect.
Lemon juice:
Lemon is a very popular source of vitamin C and antioxidant. Use lemon juice to heal your swollen gums by gargling with boiled lemon juice 2 times in a day.
Castor oil and Camphor:
Make a paste from crushed camphor pellet and castor seed oil and rub it onto the affected areas and leave it for 2-3 mins. Castor oil exerts anti-inflammatory action on gums and camphor will help you get rid of the pain.
Babul tree bark:
Ayurveda has emphasised the importance of using the bark of babul tree for oral hygiene. Boil a piece of babul bark in a glass of water for 5-7 minutes and use it as a mouthwash 3-4 times a day. This has been practiced since many years to treat swollen gums. Babul has antimicrobial elements which kill certain bacteria in the mouth.